Thank you for your interest in being a sponsor of our Artisan & Young Makers PopUp on May 1st!
You can find full details about the day on the Facebook Event Page.
This PopUp Market is a fundraising event for TrueNorth Wellness Services. All vendor fees and other proceeds go directly to benefit our Adult and Children’s programs.
It is a juried event, showcasing handmade art and wares. (no direct sales, MLM’s, or service providers, please) We are also accepting talented Young Makers, ages 8-18.
Artisan & Young Makers PopUp
at The Markets at Hanover
Saturday, May 1st – 9am-4pm
We have several Sponsorship Opportunities available!
We will be providing two Make & Take craft opportunities. One will be free and the other will have a small $5 charge. We are still in the process of developing these projects and will post them soon. We would love for a sponsor to come on board to cover the costs of supplies. We anticipate this cost to be around $300, but will have a better idea when the project ideas are in place. {we would even be open to project ideas from the sponsor!}
>> Another opportunity: We will need a few folks on site the day of to help facilitate the projects. If the sponsoring organization would like to be hands-on and send a few of your employees to help, that would be wonderful! {but, not required}
There will be a fun, large-scale community String Art Project for attendees to take part in. Again, we are asking the sponsoring business to cover the cost of supplies, which we anticipate to be $200. A rendering of the design will be available soon.
For both of these opportunities, Sponsor names and logos will be included in all promotion.
In addition to the art projects, we will have a booth where attendees can purchase raffle tickets to win gift baskets and prizes. If you would like to donate gift cards, an item or an experience, please reach out! All item sponsors will be included in event promotion.
For questions, additional information or to reach out to express interest in being a sponsor, please contact Carol Connor at 717.632.4900 x1072 or via email at cconnor@truenorthwellness.org.